Three Considerations when Switching PAC Systems

Thinking about switching to AccessPoint PAC system? If so, you’re probably wondering what to expect as you make the transition. Here are the three main concerns and questions clients face when making the switch with answers to ensure a smooth and successful implementation using AccessPoint.
Archives: What will happen to my patient data, images, and medical records? Will I lose information when transferring archived data into the new system?
Over 90 percent of PAC systems store images in DICOM format. If your current system uses the DICOM format, there’s no need to worry about lost data or difficulty accessing archived files and images. You can transfer your existing archives into AccessPoint with absolutely no trouble.
Reports: How will my reports change? Can I transfer old reports into the new system?
AccessPoint has its own system of customized reports, so some adjustments are necessary if you’re transferring existing reports as-is. However, Access Point’s reporting system is one of its most highly praised features—in fact, many clients choose to abandon their old reporting methods to take advantage of the customizable fields and features offered by AccessPoint. If you have specific questions or issues related to your transition, be sure to consult with our team of specialists—they’re available to help you convert your old reports if needed. The dynamic nature of our reports helps our clients adapt easily and quickly to the new format.
3. Workflows: Will adopting a new PACS mean changes to our workflows? How much will our current processes change?
Adopting a new PAC system will probably change your daily tasks to some degree. AccessPoint is a sequential system, and it requires actions to be completed in steps, which clients have found improves existing workflows. You’ll have lots of flexibility in how you choose to use the system, and our specialists are trained to help you adjust to the changes in your specific workflows and processes.
Customized Training and Support
As with any new technology, taking advantage of training and technical support will help you better utilize all the features of the new system. To ensure the smoothest transition possible, customized training is included with every purchase of AccessPoint. Our specialists will work with you to assess your needs and specific setup requirements before the implementation process even begins. We’ll make sure you have everything you need to facilitate a seamless conversion process. Although the transition may require some basic changes, it will save you time and money in the long run.

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