Planning for a PACS Implementation – Three More Tips

Here are three additional tips to keep in mind when planning your PACS Implementation. Keep this in-mind are you are researching which PAC System is right for you and get in-front of any issues that might occur during implementation. 

System Training
If possible, opt for more scheduled systems training upfront vs. when issues arise. When negotiating your PAC System with your chosen vendor, be sure to have your contract include formal and comprehensive training on the system for you and the designated users on your staff not only during its rollout, but also, again – after several weeks of actually using the system. If you get this component right the first time, it will ensure smooth, patient-centric workflow at your practice, enable you to fully optimize all the PAC System has to offer, and avoid unnecessary stress or frustration. Securing formal, organized training and addressing and answering staff questions and concerns during that organized training process will ensure user success. As with any new technology, the more you learn and understand, the better you will be at utilizing all it has to offer. Taking the time at the onset to learn the new technology will save you time and money in the long run.

In addition, after the system has been implemented for a few months, the second phase of the scheduled training should take place. This will allow for further questions to be addressed that could not have possibly come up before a user actually started to work on the PACS.

Storage Considerations
It’s important to research and select the options for your back-up and storage needs while evaluating the PAC Systems. These two elements should work hand-in-hand so plan on implementing both during the conversion. You will need an effective back-up system for your files and there is no better time to implement this component of your PACS than when you first initially implement all its hardware and software. At the time of purchase, be sure you have the resources necessary to fully implement your backup network. Research has shown that waiting to select and implement a back-up and storage system long after your PAC System has been launched will take more time, energy, and frustration than including that very necessary component as part of the whole package upfront.

Require Your PACS Administrator to Create a Test Environment
When you are implementing a brand new PAC System for your practice, you have to integrate your current workflow processes into this new system. By having the implementation done with segmented “test scripts” along the way (that can then be updated and reused for subsequent upgrades), there is less likelihood issues will arise during the actual full-scale rollout. Instead of waiting for the first day to start to implement the system, having everything in order first and ensuring all your current programs and equipment are compatible will reduce the amount of time for the rollout. Testing and documenting each segment of the process will save you time both now and in the future when you may want to upgrade or add more solutions to your system.

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