digital image management

cPac Pro Case Study

What Happens When a Multi-Site Cardiology Practice Chooses cPac Pro for Digital Image Management?

Time for a New PACS
The 14 physicians at a multi-site cardiology practice were tired of shuffling outmoded image records. They ran seven study types using nuclear and ultrasound imaging from different manufacturers. The doctors wanted to have access to every digital image from anywhere. They needed a multiple modality, HIPAA-compliant Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) that fit their practice.

So the team made a wish list:

  • Off-line data access for review and re-measurements
  • Customized reports that meet accreditation standards and personal preferences
  • Off-site backup
  • Automated EMR integration


Just What the Doctors Ordered: cPac Pro
One of the cardiologists discovered cPac Pro from Freeland Systems. They chose a configuration with three parts: AccessPoint, BacPac, and Each one gave the practice new tools to streamline processes, saving time and money.

First, the cardiology practice installed AccessPoint, the basic software engine that drives cPac Pro. It provided point of use functionality for technologists and physicians. They could prepare preliminary reports in the imaging room without having to log into the web. Instruments from different manufacturers fed images into AccessPoint’s digital viewer where they could be manipulated. The doctors could finally print and fax customizable reports right away, and they could securely export diagnostic quality DICOM images into various healthcare systems and EMR environments.

AccessPoint also allowed the physicians to download studies and continue their work offline. Now, when the physician’s were traveling between sites or were in places with no internet connection, they could still access image data and continue working.

BacPac, a temporary local storage appliance, was loaded at each of the three client locations. BacPac created an atmosphere of collaboration by synchronizing the data between sites using their existing Local Area Network. BacPac automatically populated AccessPoint and EMRs with every measurement the doctors took. BacPac also included Nuance’s PowerScribe interface for easy dictation. And with data stored in other places, there was an off-site backup in case of a disaster.

cPac Pro came with, a client web portal that provided the physicians access to data from anywhere. It also included administrative functions like user management. Senior doctors could assign physician, tech, and administrator privileges. Even rural partners and contract clients uploaded studies for review. Finally, usage statistics helped senior staff improve internal processes.


The Outcome
Overnight, the cardiology practice became savvy and streamlined. Data entry was automated and records were synchronized. cPac Pro’s technical support helped the doctors troubleshoot problems to keep the office running. The doctors collaborated in ways they didn’t know were possible. They spent more time with patients rather than managing workflow. The cardiology practice cut costs and delivered results faster, all because they invested in cPac Pro.

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