Freeland Systems Collaborates with Grossmont College

AccessPoint Advanced Workspace provides students with new clinical imaging tech for Cardiovascular Technology Program:

Dan Dyar, MA, RDCS and Lisa Vargas, AS, RDCS are both CVT Instructors in the Cardiovascular Technology (CVTE) Program at Grossmont College in the San Diego, California area. Recently, Freeland Systems donated an AccessPoint™ Advanced Workspace solution to Grossmont College’s Cardiovascular Technology Program. The Advanced Workspace will help introduce students and faculty to image post-processing and analytics to facilitate a state-of-the-art learning experience. Freeland Systems is honored to collaborate with Grossmont College in order to help educate students and advance cardiovascular care.
E-Mail Received:
Dear Mr. Freeland,
My name is Dan Dyar. 25 years ago I was a student in an Adult Echo program taught by our mutual friend, Nancy Dalton. Over these past many years I have sought her counsel and advice on more than a few occasions and have always benefitted by her experience and wisdom. Late last year I found myself invited by my friend and colleague, Lisa Vargas, to teach echocardiography at that very same community college where we first met Nancy, in the very same role that Nancy served all that time ago. Lisa and I met with Nancy last summer to inform her of the completion of the circle: students becoming teachers.
At that time we shared with Nancy some of the successes and growth of the echo program and some of our hopes for areas of future growth. An important piece to that puzzle was a way to introduce the students to a modern PACS system and a way to teach them how to generate preliminary reports for physicians. Without hesitation, Nancy offered to contact you on our behalf to see if there was any way that we could somehow collaborate with and use the Freeland Systems product to solve this problem at the College.
Last Friday, our echo program was the grateful beneficiary of a Freeland Systems cPacPro installation donated by you.
With your donation and Nancy’s drive, this system has the promise to catapult our community college program into the 21st century. The ability to manage the student’s images, store and retrieve interesting cases, and generate a meaningful preliminary report is something of a paradigm shift for the program and an element that had always been missing from the program.
Please know that we, and many future generations of students, are eternally grateful for your generosity, support, and vision. It has been our great pleasure to work with your team and Bruce Dodge as they have helped guide us to this point in time.
If you are ever in the neighborhood of San Diego, please come by the lab to see the installation and allow us to express our gratitude in person.
Gratefully Yours,
Dan Dyar, MA, RDCS
Lisa Vargas, AS, RDCS

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