Five Ways Your PAC System Is Killing Your Productivity

PAC Systems are intended to make your practice more efficient, but choosing the wrong vendor could end up negating the efficiency that PACS technology was supposed to provide. The following are some of the ways that your PAC system could harm your productivity:

Segregated Reports

Is your PAC system still using a non-integrated report mechanism? As long as your PAC system is stuck on a report mechanism that keeps images and reporting tools separate, you will continue to spend valuable time sorting and searching for patients’ medical records. This not only impedes the level of care and attention you are able to give your patients, but there is also the potential for misappropriation of sensitive medical data. Save yourself time—and liability—by employing a PACS that offers integrated reporting as part of its package.

Single Machine Use

Are you only able to access and transmit medical information from a single, onsite machine? The promise of a PAC System to grant you easier access to medical data is limited if that information can only be sourced from a single, onsite machine.

Single Server Use

Is your PACS data stored on a single server that can only be accessed from one location? If your PACS data is housed on a single server, your ability to source and transmit medical information is directly related to your proximity to that server, which is a detriment to productivity. In recent years, there has been a significant departure from traditional onsite server use to cloud-based storage for PAC systems. With the cloud model, you will be able to access and transmit medical data securely from practically anywhere and potentially with any device, including tablets and smartphones.

Lack of Vendor Neutral Archiving Capability

Is your PAC system able to interpret medical information from other systems? Your productivity could be obstructed if your PAC system is only able to decipher images and reports that are compatible with its system. Your inability to translate a medical report from a different PAC system directly affects how well you are able to dispense medical attention because it slows down vital external communications with other specialists.

Limited Data Storage Options

Are you limited by how much data can be stored on your PAC system? With the numerous options for unlimited storage, your PAC system should not be restricted in its storage capacity. Employ a PACS vendor that uses cloud-based storage, which is virtually limitless, to ensure that you are not spending valuable time and resources in maintaining the appropriate storage bandwidth for your practice.
Your PAC system should help you create a culture of optimal service and high efficiency at your practice, not hinder your productivity. Use this knowledge to ensure that you are implementing the right PAC system for your practice.

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